Lean Six Sigma

Featured Article

How defining moments can make or break your maintenance program
Leadership Skills

How defining moments can make or break your maintenance program

Jeff Shiver explains how these moments force you to confront the weaknesses in your current practices.
Podcast: Lean manufacturing Q&A – Industry professionals answer your questions
Lean Six Sigma

Podcast: Lean manufacturing Q&A – Industry professionals answer your questions

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, our experts explore how to maintain and sustain your plant’s lean successes.
4 ways Six Sigma can improve your supply chain
Lean Six Sigma

Podcast: 4 ways Six Sigma can improve your supply chain

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, learn how Six Sigma methodology can optimize your logistics operations.
Correct Workload Imbalances In Your Maintenance Program To Leverage Lean Principles
Lean Six Sigma

Correct workload imbalances in your maintenance program to leverage Lean principles

To fully leverage Lean, traditional concepts like mura need to be interpreted to fit the maintenance context.
Leadership Skills

How to lead from the factory floor

To drive continuous improvement: be visible, communicate your vision, and always keep listening.
Industrial Training

How your plant can train like the military

Take a precision-based, standards-focused approach to skills development.
Leadership Skills

How to diagnose your plant's organizational problems

Looking to identify your top opportunities for improvement? Tom Moriarty says take a strategic approach.
Lean Six Sigma

Self-service continuous improvement

Tap into advanced analytics to fuel improvement efforts across the organization.

Lean for digital manufacturing: The human factors critical to IoT success

Lean principles can help your people deploy the right IoT technology at the right time.
Changing Workforce

Expand your workforce for free!

Doc Palmer says you can finish 50% more work orders per month with your existing staff.
Lean Six Sigma

4 building blocks for lean manufacturing

Give people the data they need to support them in making the changes you want.