Manufacturing by the Numbers

The old adage ‘you can't manage what you can't measure’ has never been truer, especially in the industrial sector. Having the right data about your plant, your business, and the industry in general is essential if you want your company to thrive. This monthly roundup highlights the reports, studies, surveys, and insights that are impacting the manufacturing industry. Here are this month’s stats.

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Manufacturing by the Numbers: Industry stats from May 2024
Manufacturing by the Numbers
Manufacturing by the Numbers

Manufacturing by the Numbers: April 2024

Plus, manufacturing activity expanded in March after contracting for 16 consecutive months.
Manufacturing by the Numbers: March 2024
Manufacturing by the Numbers

Manufacturing by the Numbers: March 2024

Plus, manufacturing sector contracts for the 16th consecutive month.
Manufacturing By The Numbers
Manufacturing by the Numbers

Manufacturing by the Numbers: September 2023

Plus, U.S. durable goods orders increased $0.5 billion or 0.2% to $284.7 billion.
Manufacturing By The Numbers
Manufacturing by the Numbers

Manufacturing by the Numbers: August 2023

Plus, the manufacturing industry has added 41,000 jobs since February 2023.
Manufacturing By The Numbers
Manufacturing by the Numbers

Manufacturing by the Numbers: July 2023

New orders for manufactured goods increased $1.6 billion or 0.3% to $578.0 billion.