Emerson has expanded its Control Techniques variable speed drive range with two new models designed specifically for applications which demand high speeds. The Unidrive HS30 and HS70 variable speed drives, capable of output frequencies of 3,000Hz, are suited to high speed applications.
Unidrive HS70 and HS30 are essentially designed with the same specifications as the standard Control Techniques Unidrive M700 and Unidrive M300 variable speed drives, however, unlike the Unidrive M models, HS30 and HS70 have been engineered specifically for high speed applications.
The new drives are controlled products under new laws in the EU and USA covering the export of ´dual use´ goods, software and technology. This refers to items normally used for civilian purposes but which may have military applications, or may contribute to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
OEMS and machine builders which incorporate high speed drives in their designs are responsible for checking and evaluating whether or not their machines comply with, or contravene, the relevant legislation. In order to assist its customers, Control Techniques has introduced the Unidrive HS range of high frequency variable speed drives.
Unidrive HS70 offers class-leading induction, permanent magnet and servo motor performance, with on-board real time Ethernet. It provides maximum control of high speed motors and incorporates an on-board Advanced Motion Controller and PLC. Different variations of Unidrive HS70 are available, including models with on-board Ethernet, RS485 and Dual Safe Torque Off (Dual STO).
Unidrive HS30 is designed for applications that require cost effective integration into safety systems and incorporates Dual STO and advanced Rotor Flux Control of open loop induction motors.