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Survey results: How will AR/VR affect your workplace?

March 12, 2019
In a small survey base, half of respondents say they are looking into adopting AR/VR technology.

Microsoft recently unveiled HoloLens 2, an upgraded version of its mixed-reality headset, in a bet that doubles down on the idea that businesses will increasingly use hologram technology in the workplace.

The HoloLens 2 headset will cost $3500, $1500 less than the commercial price of the first HoloLens device Microsoft released more than four years ago. Microsoft is also offering a subscription option for $125 per month. The lower price tag could make the headset more attractive to Microsoft's commercial audience.

Plant Services asked online readers their thoughts on how fast augmented-reality/virtual-reality tech will catch on in the industrial workplace.

Following are the complete survey responses.

1. Have you or your immediate team looked into adopting AR/VR technology?

2. Has your organization explored the value of AR/VR to the company in general (i.e., including but not limited to MRO tasks)?

3. Of the following options, which best captures your personal thoughts on AR/VR?