The BRAND NEW 2015 AQ VOC by E Instruments measures TVOC's in either:
1. µg/m3 or PPB for Low Range Sensors
2. mg/m3 or PPM for High Range Sensors.
The AQ VOC Includes:
- Selectable VOC Sensor
Low Range: 0 – 46,000 µg/m3
High Range: 0 - 460 mg/m3
- Upgradeable to UP TO TWO (2) MORE Gas Sensors: CO2, O2, CO, NO2, H2S, SO2, NO, Formaldehyde
- Large Internal Memory: 2000 tests
- Standard Model includes Temp, % RH, Barometric Air Pressure, Diff. Pressure
- Compact, Handheld Unit
- Active Internal Sampling Pump Included
- Magnetic Rubber Boot Included
- Bluetooth Included
- PC Software & USB Included
- Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery
- Designed & Made in the USA