The All-Test Pro 5 is a de-energized, non-destructive instrument for electric motor health analysis. The tool allows users to:
- Complete stator and rotor analysis – detect faults in low-, medium- and high-voltage AC and DC motors, transformers and generators
- Auto diagnosis within the AT5 – obtain an immediate health status report, on the spot
- On-screen guidance eliminates need for instruction guide or manual
- Trending and reference testing – baseline and subsequent tests on individual motors are stored in the AT5 for immediate, on-the-spot indication of any motor health changes to prevent unanticipated downtime
- Route-based testing option included – reference testing and trending on preconfigured list of motors. Results can be uploaded and downloaded for trending, reporting and comparison with other historical data.
- Testing can be performed from distances of 1000+ feet, from motor control center, for inaccessible or hard-to-reach motors
- Data analysis using proprietary algorithms provides comprehensive health reports on motor health, including bad connections, winding & turn faults, air gap, broken bars, contamination and ground faults