In March Scott Hutcheson presents on the concept of Strategic Doing at Smart Industry Base Camp. Today the director of the Purdue Agile Strategy Lab shares some insights applications of Strategic Doing in the industrial space.
Smart Industry: Sum up the concept of Strategic Doing.
Scott: The Strategic Doing discipline enables people to achieve purposeful transformation by forming action-oriented collaborations quickly, moving them toward measurable outcomes, and making adjustments along the way.
Smart Industry: What about applications in the industrial space?
Scott: Successful industry leaders are usually really great problem solvers. Not all problems, however, are created equally. We have tried-and-true tools to help us solve highly complicated problems, but those same tools usually don’t help us make progress on complex problems. Complex problems have too many variables that we don’t control, too many unknowns, and there usually isn’t an underlying process that is easily seen and understood. That’s where Strategic Doing adds value.