Cybersecurity: It takes a village to fight cyberattacks

March 16, 2021
In this installment of Automation Zone, advice from a top security pro includes having a response plan ready and knowing when to ask for help.

Ron Brash is the director of Cyber Security Insights at Verve Industrial, a multi-faceted role that includes engaging with customers to work on identifying vulnerabilities that are often not disclosed, explaining and researching technical details buried in products onsite or in a lab, and staying on top of trends or tools. Plant Services Chief Editor Thomas Wilk caught up with Brash in January for a discussion on cybersecurity trends in 2021, a conversation that took on added urgency as last year’s data breach of the U.S. federal government came increasingly to light.

Automation Zone

This article is part of our monthly Automation Zone column. Read more from our monthly Automation Zone series.

PS: Thanks to the SolarWinds vulnerabilities, cybersecurity is back on people’s minds after a lengthy break focusing on COVID. When the C-suite comes to visit maintenance and reliability (M&R), asking what they are doing right now to prevent or respond to cyberattacks, what, in your opinion should M&R be ready to say?

RB: Well, excluding the SolarWinds part of that question, from a generic standpoint (and I’m saying this with tongue in cheek of course) the honest answer is we need help. There’s no shame in asking for help.

Very rarely have I ever been at a site where the site overseer or the site manager has an inkling about what’s going on on the systems that are providing functionality to their process control (they know the systems, such as a DCS or relay does X, but not what it depends on from a software/networking or security perspective), so I think there’s no shame in asking for assistance and making it a collaborative effort, to be honest. Especially if you inherit those assets, right? If your systems need improved networking investments that can provide better security for today and tomorrow for reliability, then ask for it by stating the business and security cases to do so.

I think that’s also one of the barriers to these conversations in improving OT sites: IT is terrified of that land called OT. Both groups need to talk about each other. Engineers often aren’t very good at talking about those type of things, but being honest about the lack of security features, or not having the processes and procedures to respond in a cyber-related event, especially if they’re not aware of it is a good thing. Being honest about things isn’t bad, and also, resources need to be empowered and strong enough to say, “No, I might not know about something X, but I can be proactive about it while taking charge.”

I think management is generally aware that they incur liability and risks when they avoid security discussions. And in the past, M&R, or whatever that business might use for that terminology, security and risk hasn’t been a part of those discussions at the depth required. But if, as you say, in this case, the C-suite does come knocking on their door, then it’s M&R’s responsibility to make sure that the organization is adequately prepared to both manage the systems that are under their purview, and also to help engineer out the risks that affect the business for those same systems under their purview.

I think there’s a good conversation that can be had there in a proactive way, and I don’t think any C-suite or management would try to avoid that discussion because nowadays there’s no excuse for C-suite and boards to not be aware of those issues. “We need help” shouldn’t be a rear end-covering discussion. It should get M&R the visibility on their issues and elevate their challenges up to the management level, and by doing so, then being able to look for support via management to resolve those issues (e.g., budget and commitment).

M&R as a whole is not homogeneous either, so it’s important to look at individual concerns, not just looking at things holistically across the organization. M&R might be in hot water if management finds out that M&R and management hadn’t done their due diligence after an incident occurs because they have no insurance coverage. So, it definitely can be a spicy conversation, but I think honestly not putting up walls is the best approach.

PS: Let me shift to a slightly more technical area of the discussion of these teams, who are being asked to tie in OT into the cloud versus air-gapping strategies. What are your thoughts on how people are balancing this trend to move more OT systems into the cloud, or at least network-connected, versus relying on air-gapping?

RB: I have a few takes on that, and hopefully, they’ll all make sense, because there’s a couple of threads here. So, in your question, you use the word “balancing” air-gapping versus the benefits of keeping systems on-premises or in the cloud. “Balancing” is an interesting choice of words because I don’t think there actually is a balance discussion going on consciously. I argue that the openness and interoperability of systems that was all the rage in the 1980s and 1990s is winning the battle because systems of today have changed. They didn’t come with Ethernet cards back in the day; they had serial, or didn’t even have that, right? They were on some sort of coaxial bus or something, and today they all have IP addresses.

So, I think by de facto, that’s just the way it is. For example, when you go buy a car nowadays it has Bluetooth. That’s just the way it is. If you bought a car 10 years ago, it didn’t have Bluetooth. I think the cloud will come in a similar paradigm change, whether we like it or not. I’m a bit of a pundit for saying let’s not go to the cloud today, but I acknowledge that it’s going to occur, and I do see the benefits of it. There is an increase of interconnected systems, whether locally or in a distributed, multi-site design, and I am seeing less and less islands. So, clearly, the air-gapping strategy is going away because people are seeing it as more of a pain. And especially with COVID, focusing on increasing revenue and decreasing costs, it makes sense that you would see that.

Now, I think there is a place for islands, especially when you can’t do anything about a particular type of system, or it’s very, very important that it maintains a certain level of integrity. Maybe you don’t want networking on it, especially, if you’re dealing with a safety instrumentation system. But generally, I find when people or organizations use islands, and even data diodes, they are using it as a cop-out for performing electronic maintenance like upgrades and patching systems. They say, “Oh, we got a diode. That’s fine. Leave it alone. We don’t need that upgrade. That’ll just only cause us headaches.” Changing the oil in my car is also a pain, and yet it still needs to be done.

However, when people look at using islands and diodes, they actually are promoting more negative behaviors that put the organization at risk. Often you’ll see people put a diode at the edge of a manufacturing cell, and then what will happen is, people will think they need to get around that diode, and that diode is a one-way communication device. You will see people go over with a transient laptop or a USB stick to push updates and make changes, and this leads to unsafe behaviors and security control bypasses. Talk about throwing away investments.

There’s another risk there that if you follow that same design paradigm, you actually will wind up with an increased risk of a distributed infection. So, what that means is, and if you’re looking at the SolarWinds issue, there was basically a delayed fuse, right? It would wait for 14 or 15 days before it activated. That is a very common strategy in malware where it goes in, it lays low, and then it comes to life. So, if you have that same transient laptop go to all of your lines, the infection might wait and take all the lines down at the same time, and you would never have known that. So, I do think there’s a time and a place for air-gapping but there are risks of someone doing something they shouldn’t be doing, or as a consequence of that security, convenience, and cost triangle, I think that needs to be balanced out in the long-term.

Now, onto cloud and on-prem systems, many organizations, and especially production systems, they are not geared for these things. Sure, you can put telemetry, SAT, historians, logging servers, and maybe even some of your Microsoft Active Directory systems in the cloud, but there is no way you can put physical inputs and outputs for, let us say, a conveyor belt or a bunch of physical counters in the cloud. It will not work, because it can’t. Now, what I do think is hybrid or cloud infrastructure will eventually arrive, but it will be a monolithic shift in infrastructure required to support that paradigm change.

For example, I was in Japan last year as part of a U.S. joint work exercise, weirdly enough, as a Canadian, and so I met a bunch of creative individuals that were from ISA (International Society of Automation), and we went over there as a kind of a group collective. And then there was also a gentleman you might know of, Andy from INL, Andy Bochman, and he’s a well-known figure in this space. And so when we went over to Japan, they were discussing about how they were planning to put a big portion of their OT infrastructure, especially the SCADA and monitoring aspects of it, into the cloud.

And when you think about it, that’s so far ahead of what North America is doing, and potentially, even parts of Europe, but it’s a fundamental difference between North America and Japan where Japan has fiber optics to everyone’s curb. That is not the case in the United States nor is it in Canada. Of course, you might think, “well, that will come.” But it won’t in the human short-term. And the cost for doing so, especially with the price of broadband and communication gear, generally it is really expensive, so I don’t see that coming quite so rapidly as it may be in other countries.

So, concurrently, along those same lines, as a stopgap, I’m actually starting to see more and more virtualization at the site level. To me, that is a fundamental change, not only for it being a stepping stone to the eventual cloud move, but it also decreases physical hardware dependency and promotes recovery and resiliency. It also offers you additional digital twin testbed opportunities. As a hybrid shift to a cloud, or some people call it a fog, I see virtualization as that way to get to that.

Ultimately, I think if organizations are not able to secure systems locally, the move to the cloud is only going to put them at further risk. Even though it will be an eventuality, you’re probably not ready for that change yet, so it’s best to keep systems on-prem and secure them first, and then look at that transition later where it makes sense.

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