Horsburgh & Scott Company has established a new facility in Slidell, Louisiana. The new 32,000-square-foot complex will be used to repair, service, and assemble industrial gears and gearboxes for the defense industry. The company invested $4.9 million into the project, generating 40 new jobs in the process. The company chose to build the new plant after receiving a new defense contract, as well as seeing increased demand for its industrial gearing products/service industrial unit. To entice Horsburgh & Scott to expand production in Louisiana, the state offered several incentives packages, including a $500,000 Performance-Based Grant from the Cleco Fund.
What people are saying
In a recent quote, Randy Burdick, CEO of the Horsburgh & Scott Company, said, “The H&S Slidell Service Center will assemble U.S. Naval propulsion drives that will be responsible for protecting the sovereignty of our nation and U.S. allies. The Louisiana marketplace provides ample resources and skill sets to support H&S endeavors in supporting our valued customers and power transmission needs.”
New plants opening in Louisiana
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Japanese chemical company’s new $500 million Louisiana plant to support the electric vehicle battery market
The plant will produce key electric vehicle (EV) lithium ion battery (LiB) ingredients dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC).
Energy company to build $3.24 billion methanol plant in Louisiana
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Learn more about gears and gear boxes
Gear Materials: What to Use and When
Not all gear materials are created equal. While some are universally suitable for gearing, others are only appropriate for specific applications. The key involves identifying the right recipe.
How advances in industrial motors and controls can boost the bottom line
Sheila Kennedy says revolutionary approaches in design and technology yield unique benefits.
7 Methods Used for Securing Gears to Shafts
Many methods exist for securing gears to a shaft, but there are pros and cons for each.
Investing in American manufacturing in 2024
This map shows where manufacturers are choosing to invest their resources, whether they are building new production facilities or expanding existing plants.