An OSHA investigation has determined that Holmes Foods Inc. exposed employees to ergonomic hazards. This safety violation is common in the industry, with OSHA estimating that 50% of injuries in the poultry processing sector involve musculoskeletal disorders. Investigators from the organizations determined that the company failed to provide required eye protection, had not created LOTO procedures, and failed to guard rotating shafts, chains, and sprockets. For these citations, as well as violating OSHA’s General Duty Clause by exposing line workers to ergonomic hazards, Holmes Foods will have to pay $60,269 in penalties.
In a recent quote, OSHA Area Director Monica Munoz said, “Holmes Foods exposed employees whose jobs require repetitive motions and lifting tasks to recognized workplace hazards that can cause long-term injuries. The company must follow federal requirements to protect workers, including those whose work is essential to the region’s food supply. We will hold employers accountable when they fail to meet their legal obligations.”