Being an editor these days, I no longer get to experience plant-floor frustrations in person. So I appreciate the insight we get when any of you write or call with your stories. An anecdote that seems everyday and even uninteresting to you can help us keep the right mindset and guide our coverage to your best advantage. Meanwhile, here's an editor's story:
Right now I have an old machine that corroded enough to spring a leak, which I was able to stop with a temporary repair before the leak did much damage, and put the machine immediately back in production. When it leaks again, it may do much more damage and may not be repairable. We rely heavily on the machine for quality work on a daily basis.
I've advised my boss that the machine should be replaced, and I think it would be best to replace it before it breaks down, as consequential damages may easily exceed the replacement cost and we can select the most appropriate replacement, negotiate a good price and plan production around the replacement project. She says we shouldn't spend money before we have to, the machine is working fine and may continue working for a long time.
OK, the machine's a 15-year-old dishwasher; the leak is water through the enameled tub (plugged with epoxy and a sheet-metal screw); potential consequential damages are to the flooring, cabinets and downstairs ceiling; production is clean dishes, the boss has been my wife for 23 years, and Sears is having a sale, but the principle's the same, right? What would you do?