Thanks for following this blog. I hope you all have enjoyed the Christmas period and I wish you well in the New Year. It seems that it is going to be an interesting time for all of us.
I thought this might be of use to you all. Over the past few months I have been acutely aware that there were not too many people who were writing blogs about asset management, reliability and engineering in general.
Like you, I like to find good sources of information and if they provide me with value then I will return to read them again and again. I think that's one of the reasons why this particular site is so succesful.
Anyway, there is a site called, which is like a virtual magazine rack for blogs and Web publications.
I found a whole section there dedicated to engineering blogs:
I hope you find something there that is interesting.
Also, if you like what you read on this blog, please consider subscribing using the links below. And if there is something here that you think would assist your colleagues, then I hope you forward it to them.
Thanks again, and all the best!