So you've joined Twitter. Now what? How do you find and join the right conversations and let your voice be heard. The key is hashtags.
What is a hashtag? According to Wikipedia, “short messages on services such as Twitter or may be tagged by including one or more hashtags: words or phrases prefixed with a hash symbol (#).” Twitter users can search for specific hashtags that pertain to them or their interests, thus filtering the seemingly endless stream of tweets.
Here are some common hashtags for the manufacturing sector:
#AMTDA – American Machine Tool Distributors’ Association
#AutoMfg – Tweets pertaining to the automotive industry
#CTD – Cutting tool distributor
#ERP – Enterprise resource planning
#IMTS – International Manufacturing Technology Show
#ISO – International Organization for Standardization
#MFG – Manufacturing
#MTD – Machine tool dealer
#STEM – Science, technology, engineering and mathematics education
#USMTC – United States Manufacturing Technology Consumption
What are your favorite hashtags?
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