For the second year in a row, Food Processing is looking for a food or beverage manufacturing facility that exemplifies a commitment to a sustainable future. And they want you to help them choose their Green Plant of the Year - by nominating a plant.
Some of the criteria to consider:
- Is it energy efficient?
- Does it use innovative or alternative sources of energy?
- Is it minimally polluting?
- Does it minimize water use?
- Were green building materials used and construction waste minimized?
- Is the design innovative?
- Is it economically sustainable?
Sustainable practices within the facility’s operation - such as selection of suppliers, ingredients or packaging with a lower carbon footprint - also will be considered. So will the corporation’s commitment to sustainability. Quantifiable measures are essential.
Last year, Kettle Foods in Beloit, Wisconsin, received the first ever Green Plant of the Year Award for making a greener potato chip. Only one question remains. Who will win this year?
Nominate a plant for the 2011 Food Processing Green Plant of the Year