It's highly probable that your organization has some passing knowledge of the concepts of sustainability, going "green," being environmentally friendly and others phrases of that ilk. Perhaps you and your company already embrace and practice some version of being kind to the earth. Maybe you're still uncertain, hesitant or afraid to dive in because of the inevitable up-front costs and operational disruption that you'd incur in this relatively soft business climate. Maybe the whole concept sounds way too risky and you've made an affirmative choice to not participate in the greenery.
I’ve heard rumors that going green is actually good for your corporate coffers. Show me the proof, I say. Well somebody called my bluff.
I direct your attention to an article titled “Studies Prove Business $en$e From Proactive Environmental Management Initiatives & Certifications,” written by Dave Meyer
Meyer discusses a series of disparate research efforts, some statistically significant, that imply that your company might benefit by participating in the green revolution. For example, one study says that some buyers are using a supplier’s ISO 14001 accreditation as a selection criteria.
My suggestion is that you forward this missive to your executive team and then position yourself as the resident champion for the green initiatives. As Meyer discovered, there’s market share connected with being environmentally friendly. That’s the true meaning of “long green.”