Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) are covered in this module and their application in amplifier and switching circuits is also presented. This module also introduces Field Effects Transistors (FETs), and thyristors such as Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) and Triacs. In addition the module also includes transistor troubleshooting problems and assignments as well as laboratory experiments for transistor circuits.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
Describe the basic operation of a transistor.
Explain how transistors are biased.
List three types of transistors.
Explain the relationship between current, voltage and power in a transistor.
Discuss the purpose of voltage divider biasing.
Exam bipolar transistors.
Differentiate between FETs and BJTs.
Define transconductance.
Exam FETs and thyristors.
Explain how SCRs and triacs are used for phase angle control.
Describe the basic principles of a relaxation oscillator.
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