As we enter the ten year anniversary of the Maintenance Crisis song, we have been getting some great ideas on methods to celebrate and continue to leverage the song to bring more attention to the challenges of the maintenance crisis so more resources emerge.
Do you have some ideas to share? What do you recommend we do so more hear and support the fight against the maintenance crisis?
Below are just some of the ideas suggested thus far:
Send out links to every radio station and TV station and encourage them to play the songs and videos.
Send out to vocational schools, community colleges, high school CTE programs, and Skills USA.
Try to get a name band to re-record the song. Bruce Springstein, Toby Keith, Chris Daughtry have been suggested.
Get them to feature on American Idol.
Host a concert or a Maintenance Crisis tour.
Create a sound track with all of the songs versions mixed into one song.
Get supporters to share via Facebook, LinkedIn the links to the songs to others.
Encourage more industry conferences to play songs during intermission.
Get industry associations to post song on their websites.
Write a new song- Not sure what to write- Perhaps "I was in manufacturing before manufacturing was cool."
Or perhaps- "Fix It, Fix it Real Good"
Yes, promoting a song may seem silly or not important but the issues that this songs symbolizes and addresses can help wake up more to build the much needed workforce pipelines and resources we need to advance the maintenance and reliability function. Most importantly awake more to the fact maintenance is much more than a janitorial function but a competitive advantage that needs to be nurtured, supported and developed so that our society fully reaps the profit potential.