Finding those willing to pick up paychecks is easy, but finding those willing to work to earn those paychecks is becoming increasingly difficult. Especially finding those few workers with the much desired technical skill sets to run, manage and maintain modern equipment.
SILOS- Self interested Locations of our Society are inhibiting collaboration and support and we must discover ways to overcome them so that more support employers needs.
As we are starting a new school year, I hope that you and your company will make the time to visit your area schools and let their students know what they need to do to become a future employee of your company. The more employers engage in the educational process, the more results that they will receive in the future. Also if you can arm teachers with reasons why math, reading, and fundamental skills are the foundation of success that will help them win over students to apply the energy and time to develop those essential skills.
Teachers have a tough job of converting rocks into diamonds. They constantly have to answer the "what's the point" questions from resistive students. If more employers provided tours, provided insight into their current and future employment needs, develop internships for more exposure and better yet, externships for teachers and counselors to better understand business challenges, more resources and talent will emerge.
I hope that companies from around the country will join in the celebration of Manufacturing Day, October 5, 2012 by hosting open houses and plant tours. Detailed instructions on how to participate are located at
Also hope that this day will be the begining of more events where we break the barriers between school systems, employers and government groups. The more we understand the challenges and issues of each group, the more solutions will emerge and more collaborations will develop.