Holmes: Watson and I have taken time off from our blog and have spent the last several months writing our book on energy monitoring, “Unleash the Power of Cloud-Based Energy Monitoring in Your Facility.”
Watson: I’m the one who suggested that Holmes use the word "unleash” in the title. You might have guessed that was one of my contributions, along with looking cute and adorable in the comics and coming up with clever sayings.
Holmes: Back to the book, Watson. I’ve tried to pack my 37 years of installing energy monitoring systems in all types of facilities into 90 pages.This book is written for the managers and the men and women who operate and maintain energy systems in complex facilities, energy professionals looking for a better way and those training for such careers. It will teach you step-by-step, how to select the points to monitor and the sensors, design and install the energy monitoring system, set up the software and reporting, and use it.
Watson: I like the fact that it is not a typical dry and boring engineering book. It has plenty of examples and case summaries from your projects along with charts, schematics, and pictures of me. I found it a pretty easy read.
Holmes: The e-book will be released next week and is free! We will include details on how to download it in next week’s blog.
Watson: To give you a preview, we have included the preface as follows:
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or Watson: [email protected]