We all know that America's infrastructure is in a state of disrepair, but what can be done to fix it? Do we need to elect individuals who truly understand the problem? Do we need to privatize infrastructure improvements? Do we need to eat more pizza? Domino's is working to save America's infrastructure and improve the quality of its pizza one pothole at a time.
According to Avery Thompson for Popular Mechanics: "The pizza chain said in a press release that it’s tired of potholes ruining 'great-tasting pizza,' so it’s begun repairing these potholes in a handful of American towns. Already, the company has filled potholes in Bartonville, Texas; Milford, Delaware; Athens, Georgia; and Burbank, California.
Domino’s is also asking its customers to vote on which town to repair potholes in next. Customers can submit requests to pave their town’s potholes at Domino’s new pothole-related website. Any potholes repaired by this project will be emblazoned with the Domino’s logo and slogan."