Welcome to the Maintenance Crisis Resource Center
America’s industrial infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities are threatened by an increasing shortage of skilled maintenance personnel. This is because the existing workforce is aging and retiring or leaving the profession, and not enough qualified young people are aware of or interested in this demanding but poorly respected field.
This set of resources is designed to help industrial plant maintenance and asset management practitioners mitigate damage to their companies due to a lack of trained, experienced, motivated maintenance professionals. It will be updated frequently, so please visit often.
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Crisis Dimensions | Ring tones | MP3s | Articles | Training Resources
Consulting Resources | Crisis-Aware Vendor Programs | The Next Generation
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"The society that scorns excellence in plumbing, because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy, because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy - neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.” --John Gardner, former Secretary of HEW |
Download the “Potential Career Path" power point presentation referenced in the Fix it Forward article.
Help us build the Fix it Forward Maintenance Hall of Fame.
Get Motivated:
- Hip-hop version of Maintenance Crisis Song
- Funk version of Maintenance Crisis Song
- Opera version of Maintenance Crisis Song
- Find Me a Maintenance Woman
- Maintenance Crisis song
- Maintenance Crisis Song rock
- Maintenance Crisis Song reggae
- Maintenance Crisis Song blues
- Maintenance Crisis Song bluegrass
Know of any other plant-related tunes? Send them to us.
- Reach for the Ska!
- An obituary and farewell to reactive maintenance
- Signs of revitalized maintenance
- Yo! ASHRAE rap video promotes engineering as career
Solve a Problem:
- Maintenance Crisis comes to Capitol Hill: Lessons learned in D.C.
- Think you’re smarter than a maintenance technician?
- Uniform job standards aim at defining the profession
- Europe shares common threads in the Maintenance Crisis
- Model car enthusiasts provide good example for maintenance workers
- No longer one hand clapping - instigate action with your work
- Power of maintenance
- Take care of your older technology
- Maintenance profession needs to increase the number of qualified candidates
- Seven secret principles of getting a raise
- How much is ignorance costing your organization?
- Averting the maintenance crisis
- Appreciate the memories
- Maintenance professionals must lead the effort for change
- Clear up the media cloud
- Katrina exposes the nation to the maintenance crisis
- Looking for Mr. Goodjob
- Shareholders caught up in crisis?
- Are women welcome?
- A familiar fight for women
- Maintenance profession needs to increase the number of qualified candidates
- How much is ignorance costing your organization?
- Deferred maintenance costs pile up
Crisis-aware vendor programs
- From pop star wannabes to maintenance heroes
- Formal training and mentorship key to protecting future
- Put stock in training
- Recruiting the future
- The American Association of Community and Grainger partner to help students
- Maintenance crisis corner: Calling all students
- Maintenance gets a new rap
- Maintenance crisis goes hip-hop
Get Connected to Associations:
Tired of being a lone wolf? Join a pack. Joel Leonard describes why.
- Association for Facilities Engineering
- Building Owners & Managers Association International
- International Facility Management Association
- Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals
Add a Resource: Send news of other resources, links, or your comments to the Maintenance Crisis Resource Center.