I regularly drop in on a number of sites around the internet that are always good sources of original thinking, new ideas and new concepts. Unfortunately the world of maintenance and reliability blogging is a little bit scarce, but there are still a lot of us out there.
Once you get past all the job ads on the RSS feeds, you can find some of the following blogs:
- The Taproot Blog - Mark Paradies has always been very good at getting the message out, and this blog is no exception. There is a bit of commercial stuff there (as there should be) but all in all it's a great source of interesting information.
- I once tried to get something going in terms of developing a standard for RCA where he was involved. A real critical thinker.
- A great site I recently discovered is called "Fishing for Reliability" by a gentleman called Howard Cooper. Great information, good depth, and only a little bit commercial. (Howard - put some subscription links on your site!!)
- This is a good one simply called Maintenance and Reliability. It seems to be written by a guy who just wants to post about issues that are important to him. Carries a few misguided and incorrect statements however.