CMMS Review Sections

April 10, 2005
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Questions  1 - 11:  Company - Package - Price

Questions 12 - 20: Integration

Questions 21 - 35: Basic Capabilities

Questions 36 - 43: Work Order Scheduling

Questions 44 - 51: Work Order Control

Questions 52 - 67: Inventory Control & Purchasing

Questions 68 - 73: Preventive and Condition-Based Maintenance I

Questions 74 - 82: Preventive and Condition-Based Maintenance II

Questions 83 - 91:
Equipment History

Questions 92 - 94: Advanced Functions & Displays I

Questions 95 - 100: Advanced Functions & Displays II
#1Open Questions 1 - 11:  Company - Package - Price#2Open Questions 12 - 20: Integration11Language: In what language is the program written?12aCost % hardware: What percent of the total invoice to a new customer is for hardware?12bCost % software: What percent of the total invoice to a new customer is for software licenses?12cCost % customization: What percent of the total invoice to a new customer is for customization?12dCost % business redesign: What percent of the total invoice to a new customer is for business process redesign?12eCost % implementation: What percent of the total invoice to a new customer is for implementation?13aImplementations targeting KPIs: Prior to implementation, in what percent of installations are targets set for improvement of key performance measures?13b 1-5   KPIs: The top five key measures. 14a% cost savings: The average cost savings achieved per site after implementing the CMMS.14b% revenue increase: The average revenue enhancement achieved per site after implementing the CMMS15a% Shared fee: The percentage of customers where normal fee is conditional on meeting performance targets for the customers' operations, e.g., a penalty if a percent reduction in downtime is not achieved)15b% Shared rewards: The percentage of customers where a bonus is available upon achieving performance hurdles15c% No incentive: The percentage of customers where there is no formal linkage between cost and results16Tracking: Is each user company's customer satisfaction/loyalty tracked with a survey that is comprehensive (i.e., high percent of customer base, across multiple users per company, for many measures, more than once per company)?17aThird-party ERP: Does the vendor have specialized software for integrating third-party ERP software?17bThird-party CAD: Does the vendor have specialized software for integrating third-party CAD software?17cThird-party PdM: Does the vendor have specialized software for integrating third-party PdM software (e.g. vibration, lubrication, thermography)?17dThird-party data: Does the vendor have specialized software for integrating third-party shop-floor data collection systems (e.g. HMI, PLC, SCADA)?17eThird-party handheld? Does the vendor have specialized software for integrating third-party wireless handhelds (e.g. PDAs, barcode readers)?17fOther integration: Other third-party software integration capabilities?18Phase-in: Can clients use a phased approach to implement the CMMS, buying greater functionality over time?19Remote database synch: Does the CMMS have built-in utilities to allow remote user sites to synchronize databases?20TopBrowser/look & feel: Does the browser version have the same functionality and a similar look and feel to the client/server CMMS package?#3Open Questions 21 - 35: Basic Capabilities21Voice: Can information be received and transmitted remotely via an interactive voice response (IVR) system?22aFormat error-check: Is there error-checking capability for format (e.g., part number must be five numeric digits starting with an alpha character)?22bRange error-check: Is there error-checking capability for range (e.g., equipment code ranges from 1500 to 3000)?22cLogic error-check: Is there error-checking capability for logic (e.g., wrong engine on vehicle, too many or not enough pumps in a given piece of equipment)?23Error message quality: Are error or other messages comprehensive, easy to understand and suggest solutions?24Custom error messages: Are error, warning and other messages customizable by the user?25User-defined defaults: Can the user define all default values to ease data entry?26aMulti-language log-on: Does the package support multiple languages in one implementation such that you can tailor each user screen to a given language based on logon?26bMulti-language toggle: Can each user toggle between two or more languages at a given terminal?27Quick data entry: Is there a quick data-entry screen for high-volume entries, such as system startup or a dispatch desk?28Online help: Is there online help specific to procedures (i.e., "how-to" help)?29Help examples: Are examples given throughout help screens?30Help tailoring: Is online help tailored to the knowledge and experience of the user?31aTraining days, supervisor: How many days of classroom/CBT training would you recommend for the average novice maintenance supervisor to take for your CMMS?31bTraining days, planner: How much classroom/CBT training would you recommend for the average novice maintenance planner to take for your CMMS?31cTraining days, tradesperson: How much classroom/CBT training would you recommend for the average novice maintenance tradesperson to take for your CMMS?31dTraining days, buyer: How much classroom/CBT training would you recommend for the average novice buyer to take for your CMMS?32Custom business rules: Are embedded business rules easily customizable by the user (e.g., approval limits and routing)?33Workflow integration: Is workflow software fully integrated into the CMMS?34Drill-down: Is there drill-down capability for summary reports and listings?35TopEditing: Can you edit data while viewing in spreadsheet or list mode (e.g., outstanding work orders)?#4Open Questions 36 - 43: Work Order Scheduling36Work order hierarchy: Is there a hierarchy of work orders where each level can be scheduled separately?37Blanket work orders: Can you create blanket work orders for planning/recording work, including recording blanket WO #, as well as equipment number and/or cost center (e.g., to avoid issuing a work order for jobs under 30 minutes)?38aTime-based priorities: The number of time-based priority fields38bCriticality priorities: The number of equipment criticality-based priority fields38cHealth & safety priorities: The number of health and safety-based priority fields38dOther priorities/levels: Other priority fields/number of levels38eUser-defined priorities: The number of user-defined priority fields39Multiple priorities: Are priorities combined and used to determine or suggest a schedule (e.g., multiply priorities together)?40Schedule display: Can the schedule display in-process work orders, including revised hours by craft to completion or percent completion?41Graphical scheduling: Can you drag and drop work orders and/or available resources on a graphical schedule, and see the effects on planned workload vs. capacity as well as resultant availability?42Schedule drill-down: Can you drill down to access work order information from within the schedule chart/graph?43aWhat-if scheduling, priority-based: Can you perform "what-if" analysis on the schedule (i.e., go into simulation mode with an opportunity to accept or reject results of the simulation) using changes to work order priority?43bWhat-if scheduling, duration-based: Can you perform "what-if" analysis on the schedule using changes to estimated duration?43cTopWhat-if scheduling, labor-based: Can you perform "what-if" analysis on the schedule using changes to labor availability?#5Open Questions 44 - 51: Work Order Control44aResource scheduling: Can resources such as tools, cranes, or special equipment be scheduled separately (e.g., to avoid double booking)?44bResource analysis: Can resources such as tools, cranes, or special equipment be analyzed separately (e.g., utilization)?44cResource costing: Can resources such as tools, cranes, or special equipment be costed separately (e.g., using allocation by resource type)?45Part source identification: On a work order, can users easily select new, reconditioned or used parts?46Approval change on overrun: Does approval level change when a work order is overrun for total labor and material dollars booked?47Approval status change definition: Can you define approvals for status changes for work orders, purchase orders, etc.?48Cost center security: Can you prohibit a user charging dollars to someone else's cost center?49Contract tracking: Can you track contract maintenance?50aThird-party billing, invoice: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including creation of a third-party invoice for labor/materials?50bThird-party billing, mark up L&M: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including mark up of labor and material costs?50cThird-party billing, mark up other: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including mark up of costs other than labor/materials?50dThird-party billing, rounding: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including rounding of time and costs?50eThird-party billing, minimum time: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including establishing a minimum labor time?50fThird-party billing, minimum charge: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including establishing a minimum dollar charge?50gThird-party billing security: Can the system handle third-party billing (i.e., chargebacks), including allowing customer to access only its own information?51aWarranty work orders: Can the system perform summary reporting of all work orders on warranty?51bWarranty claims: Can the system prepare warranty claims?51cMultiple warranties: Can the system record and track multiple warranties per asset?51dWarranty types: Can the system record warranty types (e.g., manufacturer, vendor, extended)?51eCalendar warranties: Can the system track calendar-based warranties?51fMeter warranties: Can the system track meter-based warranties, including start/expiration/threshold readings?51gWarranty renewals: Can the system handle warranty renewals?51hSerial-based warranty expiration: Can the system favor serialized parts closer to warranty expiration?51iTopNon-serial-based warranty expiration: Can the system favor non-serialized parts closer to expiration?#6Open Questions 52 - 67: Inventory Control & Purchasing52aLIFO inventory: Is LIFO available for the inventory module?52bFIFO inventory: Is FIFO available for the inventory module?52cAverage costing: Is average costing available for the inventory module?52dStandard costing: Is standard costing available for the inventory module?53Activity-based costing: Is activity-based-costing (ABC) fully integrated into the CMMS?54EOQ: Is economic order quantity (EOQ) calculated?55aABC analysis: Is ABC analysis done (i.e., categories for parts usage)?55bXYZ analysis: Is XYZ analysis done (i.e., categories for parts value)?56Reorder smoothing: Does the reorder point have smoothing capability?57aService levels by part: Are service levels analyzed by part?57bService levels by category: Are service levels analyzed by part category?58What-if on service levels: Can you do "what-if" analysis on service levels to determine resultant inventory values?59Cycle counts: Will the CMMS program assist in determining cycle counts?60Supplier history: Can you track supplier history?61Supplier rating: Can you rate suppliers?62E-procurement: Can the system handle e-procurement (e.g., catalog, purchase orders, quotations, and vendor invoices)?63aHistory-based reorder: Is usage history automatically checked to suggest corrections to reorder points?63bHistory-based reorder: Is usage history automatically checked to suggest corrections to reorder points?63cMax level-based reorder: Is maximum level history automatically checked to suggest corrections to reorder points?64Component tracking: Can components be serialized and repair history/costs tracked (i.e. from receipt to installation, to vendor repair, to receipt upon return, to costing at repaired, depreciated or appreciated value, to new parent equipment)?65New/used parts: When booking parts required for a work order, will the parts on-hand listing within the work order screen show repaired or used parts/components available separately from new ones?66aExpected delivery: Will the purchase order accommodate expected delivery date for each line item?66bMultiple account codes: Will the purchase order accommodate multiple account codes for each line item?66cStatus code: Will the purchase order accommodate a status code for each line item?66dMultiple ship-to: Will the purchase order accommodate multiple ship-to locations for each line item?66eTax codes: Will the purchase order accommodate tax codes for each line item?66fReceipt acknowledgement: Will the purchase order accommodate receiving acknowledgement for each line item?67TopConsignments: Does the system handle consignments?#7Open Questions 68 - 73: Preventive and Condition-Based Maintenance I68aStandard PM tasks: Is standard data available for PM task definitions?68bStandard PM task times: Is standard data available for PM task times?68cStandard corrective tasks: Is standard data available for corrective tasks?68dStandard RCM conditions: Is standard data available for RCM conditions linked to tasks?68eStandard safety: Is standard data available for safety checklists and tasks?69PM triggers: Can you trigger PM by time, usage and event?70aMultiple condition triggers: Can you trigger preventive maintenance by multiple condition indicators per asset?70bAutomatic trigger reset: Does a trigger from one condition-based indicator reset all other triggers for a given asset?70cNested triggers: Can you nest triggers with different cycles?70dCombined indicators: Can you combine indicators using Boolean logic to create consolidated or alternate triggers?70eRecommend corrective action: Can you recommend corrective action based on condition, i.e., using indicators, Boolean logic, and/or setpoints (e.g., oil analysis reveals gas, particulate or temperature trends that necessitate a given PM work request)?70fPreferred date: Can you trigger a PM routine on a preferred day or date if within tolerance?70gForecast rounds schedule: Can you forecast when the next meter reading should occur based on historical readings?70hPM shadowing: Can you do PM shadowing to avoid duplicate PMs?70iPM override: Can PMs be overridden or credit taken for corrective work that covers PM work due, to avoid duplication?70jReading validation: Can PM readings be validated with a user-defined validation formula?70kColor-coded alarms: Can indicator/alarm tables be color-coded?70lComponent/indicator hierarchy: Can you create a graphic showing component hierarchy and corresponding indicators70mIndicator drill-down: Can you have hot spots on the graphic for drill down to detail on indicators?70nGraphic highlights: Are conditions and alarms visibly distinguished on the graphic (e.g., blinking, color change)?70oAlarm acknowledge: Can you acknowledging alarms or conditions easily from within the graphic screen?70pNew condition entry: Can a new condition be easily entered from within the graphic screen?71History-based PM: Is PM history used to correct future PM scheduling?72Seasonal PM: Can users adjust the PM schedule for seasonality?73TopShutdowns/peaks/holidays: Does the PM schedule display shutdowns, peak production periods and/or holidays?#8Open Questions 74 - 82: Preventive and Condition-Based Maintenance II74aPM by the hour: Can you schedule PM by the hour?74bPM by recurrences: Can you schedule PM by recurrences?74cPM by calendar: Can you schedule PM by recurring month, weeks or days?74dPM by date: Can you specify PM by specific calendar dates?74ePM by exception: Can you specify PM with specific calendar dates as exceptions?75aPM route by asset type: Can you set up a PM route for a single asset type across multiple locations (e.g., inspection of all fire extinguishers in multiple buildings)?75bPM route by location: Can you set up a PM route for multiple assets in a single location (e.g., inspection of multiple assets on one stretch of roadway)?76GIS location: Can you inventory assets, route PMs and report on work history referencing a GIS locator?77Problem/cause/action: Can problem, cause and action taken be recorded against individual assets along the route (e.g., one fire extinguisher refilled, another required repair)?78aL&M by asset: Can labor and material be charged to an individual asset along the route?78bL&M averaged: Can labor and materials be charged using an average cost spread over all assets on the route?79Critical percent: Can you identify a "critical percent" for each asset/procedure (where 0% = PM just done, 100% = PM just due, 200% = PM not done after one complete cycle, etc.)?80Critical route: Can you generate a route based on Boolean logic surrounding the critical percent?81Auto priority increase: Will the priority automatically increase if PM is not done?82aMultiple inspections: Do you have features and functions for inspection and risk assessment including multiple inspections at multiple points on an asset/infrastructure?82bRisk/criticality record: Does inspection and risk assessment support recording results of a risk-based assessment defining risk and criticality of failure?82cAutomatic frequency: Does inspection and risk assessment support automatically increasing the frequency of inspection if the risk increases?82dConfidence rating: Does inspection and risk assessment support the ability to define a "confidence rating" on the risk?82eExpected value: Does inspection and risk assessment support providing the inspector with nominal (i.e., expected) values for a given inspection?82fHistorical information: Does inspection and risk assessment support providing the inspector with historical information including last value, date and description?82gTrack inspection tools: Does inspection and risk assessment support tracking replacement frequency for inspection tools?82hCritical value formula: Does inspection and risk assessment support defining a formula to determine the critical value for inspection readings?82iWO/PM on critical value: Does inspection and risk assessment support automatically issuing a standard work order or PM procedure if the critical value is reached?82jMin/max values: Does inspection and risk assessment support defining min and max threshold values for inspection readings?82kTolerance: Does inspection and risk assessment support defining a tolerance percent?82lRegression analysis: Does inspection and risk assessment support using regression analysis to predict the next date for reaching the critical value?82mTopExtreme value: Does inspection and risk assessment support recording an "extreme value" (i.e., amount which cannot be exceeded)?#9Open Questions 83 - 91: Equipment History83Downtime vs. breakdown: Is production downtime distinguished from equipment breakdown, and are both tracked?84Actual vs. budget: Can you budget and track actual maintenance costs against budget?85Budget integration: Is the budgeting module directly integrated with the planned hours and planned material usage on the work orders?86Budget what-if: Can you perform "what-if" analysis on the budget by generating work orders or preparing a work plan in simulation mode, with an opportunity to accept or reject results of the simulation?87User-defined costs: Can you track equipment costs by user-defined statistics (e.g., cost per ton produced, cost per mile)?88Problem/cause/action: Are problem, cause and action codes grouped, nested and hierarchical?89aComplaint analysis: Does the CMMS analyze, not just report on, relative frequencies and probabilities of complaints (i.e., using Pareto analysis, predictive trending, root cause analysis, correlation, forecasting, etc.)?89bRoot cause analysis: Does the CMMS analyze root causes?89cActions taken analysis: Does the CMMS analyze actions taken?89dIdle/delay analysis: Does the CMMS analyze idle or delay time?89eWO history analysis: Does the CMMS analyze work order status history?89fAvailability analysis: Does the CMMS analyze asset availability?89gUtilization analysis: Does the CMMS analyze asset utilization (i.e. available and used)?89hPerformance analysis: Does the CMMS analyze asset performance (e.g. speed)?89iQuality impact: Does the CMMS analyze product quality impact (e.g. asset causing rework, etc.)?90aReport MTBF: Does the CMMS report on mean time between failures?90bMTBF by root cause: Does the CMMS report on MTBF for a specific root cause?90cReport MTTR: Does the CMMS report on mean time to repair?90dReport MWT: Does the CMMS report on mean wait time (MWT) or response time?90eTSLF by problem: Does the CMMS report time since last failure trend for any problem code?90fTSLF by cause: Does the CMMS report time since last failure (TSLF) trend for any cause code?90gTSLF by action: Does the CMMS report time since last failure (TSLF) trend for any action code?90hTSLF by checkpoint: Does the CMMS report time since last failure trend from the last checkpoint?90iLife cycle costing: Does the CMMS report lifecycle cost for a given asset or group of assets?91TopTroubleshooting database: Is there a troubleshooting database to assist in diagnosing equipment repair problems?#10Open Questions 92 - 94: Advanced Functions & Displays I92aTrigger on PM: Can you trigger a user-defined activity (such as an alarm, pager, email, or work order activation) when PM inspection measures exceed control limits?92bTrigger on limits: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when measures trend within a certain percentage of control limits?92cTrigger on downtime: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when equipment downtime exceeds a threshold value?92dTrigger on MTBF: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when average MTBF is outside a given range of values?92eTrigger on warranty: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when equipment or a component is due for warranty work?92fTrigger on parts missing: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when parts have not arrived for a work order coming due?92gTrigger on wait time: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when wait time within a workflow exceeds a value?92hTrigger on activity times: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when activity times within a workflow exceed standard?92iTrigger on PM critical %: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when a PM critical percent has exceeded a user-defined threshold?92jTrigger on expenditure: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when the rate of expenditure will cause a budget overrun?92kTrigger on repeat failure: Can you trigger a user-defined activity when a failure has repeated within a user-defined period?93aLookup equipment: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for the hierarchy of equipment?93bLookup parts: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for parts?93cLookup suppliers: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for suppliers?93dLookup employees: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for employees?93eLookup work orders: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for work orders?93fLookup online help: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for online help?93gLookup corporate structure: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for corporate structure?93hLookup warehouses/stores: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for warehouses/stores?93iLookup projects: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for projects?93jLookup KPIs: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for key performance indicators (KPIs)?93kLookup menus/functions: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for the CMMS menus/functions?93lLookup G/L accounts: Is there an MS Windows Explorer-style lookup capability for general ledger accounts?94TopToggle: For each of the hierarchies in question 93, can you toggle between multiple windows showing additional information?#11Open Questions 95 - 100: Advanced Functions & Displays II95aBusiness intelligence: Are business intelligence reporting formats such as dashboards, stoplights, etc., fully integrated?95bBalanced scorecard: Are balanced scorecard reporting formats fully integrated?95cKPI reports: Are key performance indicator and target reporting formats fully integrated?96aPDA WO integration: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to download work orders to the PDA?96bPDA work: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to upload hours worked and work done from the PDA?96cPDA parts required: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to download parts required to the PDA?96dPDA inventory: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to download other inventory information to the PDA?96ePDA parts used: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to upload parts used?96fPDA tools required: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to download tools required to the PDA?96gPDA scanner: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to use a built-in scanner for barcodes on assets/parts/badges?96hPDA work requests: Does the CMMS interface seamlessly with PDAs including ability to enter and upload work requests?97aFleet VMRS: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include built-in VMRS standard codes?97bFleet fuel: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include consumption rate of fuel and other consumables?97cVehicle mileage: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include vehicle mileage?97dVehicle utilization: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include vehicle utilization?97eVehicle status: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include real-time operational status of a given vehicle?97fVehicle environment: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include analysis of environmental correlations such as weather?97gVehicle wear analysis: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include wear measure history and analysis on tires, brakes, etc.?97hVehicle reservations: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include vehicle reservations?97iFleet depreciation: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include depreciation of fleet assets?97jVehicle operation: Do vehicle/fleet maintenance functions include recording operational data for a given vehicle (e.g. primary driver, key number)?98IT asset management: Are there features and functions specific to technology asset management?99Capital asset planning: Are there features and functions specific to capital asset planning?100aTool management: Is there is a separate, comprehensive, specialized tool management module?100bKeys management: Is there is a separate, comprehensive, specialized keys management module?100cTopLockout/tagout: Is there is a separate, comprehensive, specialized lockout/tagout tool management module?

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