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How to avoid an emergency maintenance culture
Leadership Skills

How to avoid an emergency maintenance culture

Joe Kuhn outlines a step-by-step guide to move from a reactive to planned maintenance culture.
How to plan and schedule reactive work at your plant
Planning and Scheduling

How to plan and schedule reactive work at your plant

Doc Palmer argues that even emergency work can benefit from the support of planners and schedulers.
Motor advancements increase uptime, efficiency, reliability, and performance
Industrial Motors

Motor advancements increase uptime, efficiency, reliability, and performance

Sheila Kennedy outlines recent advancements that improve motors operations and maintenance.
Podcast: The nuts and bolts of a successful failure mode and effects analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Podcast: The nuts and bolts of a successful failure mode and effects analysis

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, Brian Hronchek from Eruditio takes a back-to-basics approach to FMEA planning and execution.
How to build a better failure mode and effects analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

How to build a better failure mode and effects analysis

"You can do an FMEA without criticality, but that just means you're going to be over-maintaining your assets or you're going to be misguided in where you're applying your efforts...
Podcast: FMEA 101 – How to conduct a failure modes and effects analysis at your plant
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Podcast: FMEA 101 – How to conduct a failure modes and effects analysis at your plant

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, Brian Hronchek from Eruditio explores the benefits of conducting an FMEA.
Are you taking the right steps when performing an FMEA?
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Are you taking the right steps when performing an FMEA?

"Everything that we do has to be taken to the next step. Eventually it has to be turned into value for the business, and the value for the business comes when people put their...
Beware of AI-driven maintenance plans filling your CMMS with non-value work
Planned Maintenance

Beware of AI-driven maintenance plans filling your CMMS with non-value work

Jeff Shiver demonstrates how PM checklists generated using AI tools often miss the precision tasks that address your asset’s unique operating context, and can vary between multiple...
Livestream: Latest trends in plant maintenance decision making

Livestream discussion: Latest trends in plant maintenance decision making

View this on-demand webinar on how best to use your maintenance workers to achieve plant goals.
Podcast: How to make time for planned maintenance while keeping production running
Planned Maintenance

Podcast: How to make time for planned maintenance while keeping production running

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, author and YouTuber Joe Kuhn says don’t wait to start PMs. There is no better time than right now.
Proper planning and scheduling requires an adult mindset
Planning and Scheduling

Proper planning and scheduling requires an adult mindset

Doc Palmer argues that it can even root out childish behaviors among both work teams and managers.
Why proactive work dies in the backlog and how to fix it
Planning and Scheduling

Why proactive work dies in the backlog and how to fix it

Doc Palmer wonders whether your maintenance staff is sized for firefighting or for profitability.
Build A Workflow Process That Helps You Better Manage Your Maintenance Teams
Planning and Scheduling

Build a workflow process that helps you better manage your maintenance team

Doc Palmer says individual work orders are key so managers can help keep things on track, especially emergency work.
Are Standard Job Plans Worth The Investment To Your Maintenance Team
Planning and Scheduling

Are standard job plans worth the investment to your maintenance team?

Jeff Shiver says unlock the potential of your historical data by transforming it into a library of reusable job plans.
Take Steps To Quantify The Value Of Your Preventive Maintenance Optimization Efforts
Preventive Maintenance

Take steps to quantify the value of your preventive maintenance optimization efforts

Jeff Shiver says both KPIs and qualitative feedback are crucial to capturing tangible results.
Why The Most Common Maintenance Planning Kpi Is Hurting Your Department
Planning and Scheduling

Why the most common maintenance planning KPI is hurting your department

Doc Palmer says hyper-accurate labor estimating gets in the way of both completed work and higher quality work.